Gaining control over your financial life is not always an easy task. It seems everything has gotten more expensive, and some folks just cannot keep up with their current debt load. However, working with a Miami Bankruptcy Attorney may help you get to a more stable, debt-free life. Research their areas of practice, professional experience, and stream of success, and choose the right person with the right team to handle your bankruptcy case with utmost dedication and support.
Benefits of Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney
Some debtors try to settle their debts directly with their creditors, but few are successful because debt settlements either require a big lump sum payment that most people don’t have or a stream of payments that most people can’t afford. And even if you get one creditor to agree, what about the other five or 10 creditors? A Miami Bankruptcy Attorney specializing in bankruptcy settlement and handling complex cases may be able to make your life less stressful. They can provide hands-on legal assistance and legal solutions you may not have thought of or are not aware of. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will review your situation, advise you of your bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy options, as well as the pros and cons of each, and answer all your questions. They can help save your home, achieve financial stability, and prevent creditor harassment.
Debt Elimination Guidance
Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t have to be a lengthy and complicated process. A non-complex situation can be handled through a Chapter 7 in a matter of weeks. A more complex situation may require a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to keep your non-exempt assets and protect friends and family members with whom you may have had financial transactions.
Professional Litigation Practices
An experienced bankruptcy attorney must be prepared to handle all disputes and contested matters that can arise in a bankruptcy such as demands by the Chapter 7 Trustee to turnover or purchase back non-exempt assets, or adversary proceedings (lawsuits within the bankruptcy case) in which creditors can seek to hold certain debts non-dischargeable. The process of dealing with such attacks involves bankruptcy litigation. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will advise you in advance that you are at risk for these complications. So, if you are surprised by a Chapter 7 Trustee demand or a creditor’s adversary proceeding, you may wish to consult with a more experienced bankruptcy attorney, because the attorney who did not see it coming is most likely not capable of helping you through to a successful outcome.
Legal Representation Services
An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will ensure proper filing of all required bankruptcy forms for their clients in court. This is just one small part of providing proper legal representation to their clients. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will also properly manage communications between you and the court, the trustee’s office, and parties on the other side of your case.
Aiming to Achieve Economic Freedom? Contact Miami Bankruptcy Today
Miami Bankruptcy works with clients seeking financial relief from a variety of debts. We help handle unpaid credit card balances, piled-up medical bills, and dealing with unsettled taxes. We provide personalized solutions for every client. If you are located in South Florida, a Miami Bankruptcy Attorney will ensure a smooth legal process.
Miami Bankruptcy Attorney James Schwitalla and his team have been helping clients reach economic freedom for over 32 years, and winning at all levels of court, including the Bankruptcy Court, the US District Court, the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeal, and even the United States Supreme Court. We are unaware of any other bankruptcy attorney in South Florida who has won for a client at the United States Supreme Court level, and he is waiting for you to call. Call now and schedule your free consultation with James Schwitalla to get your custom debt relief solution!